- Take them with you on road trips. Take photos of them at famous locations no matter where you are.
- Whenever you are staying overnight, take your doll(s) with you. Use a blanket and a pillow to make a sleeping bag for them to sleep in.
- Make doll videos and upload them to Youtube. You and your doll(s) will have so much fun making them. Make sure to add bloopers too for people to laugh at!
- Have dinner with them. Make food such as wraps, salads and meat and eat alongside your doll(s). Crafty and Delicious.
- Write stories about your favourite girlies. They will feel really appreciated.
- Make a room for them. Let them choose how they want the furniture set, posters or pictures and give the room a special touch.
- Make a Movie Night once a month and let them choose the movie you will watch.
- Celebrate special occasions with them. Get a small Christmas Tree for them to decorate, give them presents on their brithday and organize an egg hunt at Easter.
- Do regular fashion shows and make different catogories. Make sure you snap pics of them!
- Make a girls night and do their hair, apply makeup and pamper their skin with a faux face mask. They will love it!
- Create a magazine. Make a blog and put a monthly issue out. Make sure you put in jokes, puzzles and an advice column.
I will be doing more in the future!
EG, MJ and MS.